A Resurrection

I was gone for two years, I realize that I did not write you a letter, mail or even checked the stats I ignored you like you never existed, I even removed your weblink from my insta bio, sorry that is all I have to say I am sorry I ignored you. I am sorry I forgot who you are and so sorry I was ashamed of you. In two years, I have achieved a lot and lost a lot but one thing that was constant was you inside my head blabbering ideas and pushing me to put the pen on paper. I should have listened to you but I did not I was too busy listening to everyone but you.

I come back here now as a champion, I have defeated all the doubts that I had about myself and removed all the second from the guesses. I am sure you will be proud of me when you hear all the tales of what I have achieved but you were there all along watching me as I got back up again. So dust off the shoulders, let me re-define myself again.

World is very different now than it was in 2018, we are all locked up inside our homes because a virus took over the world. It is for the best though as inside the locked doors two hearts realized what they wanted when the doors open again. It has truly been an year of revelations and reality checks, tears and laughter but most importantly goodbye and hi. I wish I could tell you how great the life has been treating me lately but as I said you were there to see it. You saw when I was smiling in the dark while I still had tears in my eyes, you saw me running my fingers through my hair while muffling my screams and you were there when I did not know how figure things out. ‘Great’ in the aforementioned line was not sarcastic, life has been great; I fell in love while falling out of love, I made way for someone new somethings new while saying bye to old and broken, I fixed the skin of my palm that was bleeding from holding the reigns too tight, I finally let go.

I had some great experiences; you remember when I stayed all night partying, you must remember the drive I took at 1 AM to get some drinks, you remember when I danced to the music like nobody was watching, you remember when I made my parents proud twice. I also won hearts but more specifically one heart that I never thought I would win because it was just too precious, and it had walls around it but the walls eventually came down and I won it. kudos to me. I had a cringe poetry phase, that is not gone so you might hear a lot of Juliet in love poetries (Romeo poetries too if I am able to get the copyright). Past two years has truly been a celebration of life and love. “hell was the journey but it brought me heaven”

I wish I could tell you in the most peculiar detail how certain co-incidences, happenstance gave rise to the most serendipitous events but all I can say it happened and now I am incandescently happy. I still cry though that can never change but I always end up smiling before sleeping and this will also not change.

There are chances that I forget you again, that I let dust sit on you for a while, but I know I will find you again as I will never forget the password. I will resurrect every time I fall and that is called faith and Christianity but mostly faith. So here is to finding old friends again!

Also, I lost weight in case you couldn’t tell by my swift typing speed of my lean fingers.

Yours Sincerely,


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